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  1. W

    New Kuiu set-Haven

    Hunt in Texas panhandle, it would take about 5 minutes for that outer material to be covered in goat-head stickers and two hours to remove. Work 5 minutes from Kuiu store which is nice but costly, product is a no go for me.
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    An etiquette question

    Non-issue. Public land means public. Knock yourself out bird hunting.
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    Aram Von Benedikt

    Humanity and morals of humans just suck.
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    colorado returns

    Ucsdryder - absolutely new this year to Colorado hunting and their laws. However, the confusion was with the terminology used in the thread...I had seen in the Colorado Big Game Guidelines the term "Reissue" but never "Returns" - that is why I asked and stated I was confused (See Page 8 of the...
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    Your favorite hunting knife?

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    IMO they are all about the same, just fly early and give yourself some extra time on the front end. Arrive early and enjoy the time relaxing before the hunt, We flew into Terrace BC several years ago. Went to Vancouver then Air Canada to Terrace. No issues whatsoever.
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    colorado returns

    If you dont mind, tell me more how this works....little confused.
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    Very impressive mule deer. Some incredible deer taken. This was my first mule deer this year. Muzzleloader, Colorado open sights. I was happy
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    Cataract lens choice?

    Thank you, thank you so much for the response and advice. I too thought the price quoted was way over priced. They quoted me $4,000 per eye - just for the lenses regardless of whether they are the Panoptix or vivity. I am also very concerned about giving up long distance clarity and low...
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    Burris Veracity Precision Hunter (PH) reviews?

    Great review Wildhorse and some good points on using it to create a Dope Card. I was looking at them and Scheels had them with a $100 gift card and was looking at them and let time slip away without buying when I was in Colorado muzzleloader hunting. Went back to purchase and the gift card...
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    Lost CO Tag

    Call Colorado Parks and Wildlife, they are extremely helpful. The advice above is all good and correct as well.
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    Post up pics of your pups

    Mattie Ross
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    Cataract lens choice?

    Just went today for a consult for IOL and the Panoptix was recommended. Would love to be seen by an surgeon that actually hunts and understands the concerns. Was quoted $14,000 for both eyes. Seems a little higher than I anticipated, but definitely need some help in the eye department and vision.