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  1. B

    Thumb button broadhead tune

    Got new bow and release after deer season last year. Been shooting a bunch with fieldpoints. Finally pulled out broadheads to confirm they are hitting the same (schwacker 100 grain). They are hitting 5"-6" low and 3" right with the thumb button at 60 yards. Shot multiple times to verify...
  2. B

    Whitetail packs

    Just picked up a Cruzr Escape pack. If you dont need to pack out your deer I think it is the perfect size. Designed to hold sticks/platform and big enough to throw extra layers in when walking in cold mornings.
  3. B

    Hang on stand with sticks?? Recommendations ??

    I think the new XOP cold world and x2 sticks looks pretty slick. Like the way they pack. I know there are a few discount codes you could get 15% off with. Not the cheapest in the world but definitely light. sort of a LWCG .75 knock off.
  4. B

    Which Danners are the best?

    I had a couple pair of the danner lace up Sharptails. Super comfy and like them, but the durability in the seams was their weakness. If you are just wanting early season boot to walk in and out to the tree they would be fine. I wore mine a bunch and cruised timber in them. Briars and sticks...
  5. B

    What's your 2023 target buck?

    Got two on the top of the list in GA so far. One is a 10pt I can’t remember having pics of before and second is a 11pt. Started hunting this piece in 2021 and have had the 11pt on camera since then.
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    Who's going to be the first hunting 'celebrity' or Youtube personality to put their foot down and stop using cellular cameras?

    I run them, but don't necessarily view them for real time info. To save batteries they only upload once a day. I do think some people use them more for real time info. Have had buddies not go into stands because there are deer on camera in front of them. If legal I am not against it, but see...
  7. B

    What public land in a state/ area would you like to hunt?

    Not out of state, but have a trip planned to hunt a WMA in GA. WMA borders a lake so going to use the boat for access. Hopefully will have a easy drag down the hill and a short boat ride back to the house.