OnX has 4 different Coordinates units.
Switch your settings to DMS (Degrees, Minutes, Seconds). Tap on the map, and the coordinates appear.
Last I checked (which was a long time ago), civilian GPS systems are only accurate to 10-33 feet.
As the above posters state, depending on what you need...
Why all the bergara hate? I have the b14 hmr in 6.5 prc. It is a bit heavy but it has been a fantastic shooter. I haven't shot their carbon fiber barrels.
It is good to get a ballistics app on your phone, like Hornaday or similar.
Here are some steps I used to dial in my factory ammo to a pretty good level
1.) Get an excellent zero on your scope at 100 yards.
2.) Look at your box of ammo and what the muzzle velocity is. Mine said 2,960 FPS so...