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    Idaho Statewide Lottery tag sales almost over

    In the 2020 raffle, this is from the IDFG website - “About 1,500 hunters bought nearly 19,000 entries in the bighorn tag lottery” So…19,000/1 if you buy a single $20 ticket. Best deal is the 25 tickets for $250 ($10/ticket), so if you pay $250, you get a roughly 1/760 chance. Seems pricey...
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    First Lite customer service

    That’s awesome. Good customer service makes all the difference in the world and will keep a customer loyal forever. They are a great company and it’s good to see them reaching out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Vote for the Best High End Hunting Apparel

    Thumbs up for kuiu rain gear. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Gaiters...worth it?

    I bought a pair 10 years ago and never used them. I bring crocs for camp shoes and just change into them for stream crossings, as to not risk getting socks wet. There are some for sure advantages though especially reading some of these responses. I may have to bring them along next time and see...
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    Idaho NR Elk Tags are SOLD OUT as of 6/17/20

    Crazy how much the demand has increased this year. It will be interesting to see what the controlled application totals look like when they release them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    To fly or drive

    I am all for driving. So much more freedom to bring everything you need, no fears of airlines losing or mishandling your stuff, can leave whenever you want, etc. 23 hours is a long way, but I’d probably still go that route. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    First Coues- Lucky 100"

    Nice buck! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Bipods worth the weight?

    Bipod is totally one of those things that sucks the entire hunt but is awesome when you finally need it. My setup was pushing 10 pounds with the Harris so I finally bailed and went back to no bipod. I mostly try to get in under 300 yards though. If I was going to be shooting 500 plus, bipod...
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    Stone Sheep bino magnification?

    I use 10x42 and a spotter for sheep. The 10 power is a little heavy but I use them so often that it doesn’t bug me. Like others have said, If you are bringing the spotter, the 8 power should be good to go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Rocky Mount is Ready - 2019 Hunt

    Beautiful mount! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Pack rain fly or not?

    Ounces equal pounds....and pounds equal PAIN!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk