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    Contemplating PSE carbon levitate. Yay or nay

    I ended up getting a used one before last season and absolutely love it. The draw cycle stacks at the end, but once you shoot it a couple weeks it becomes natural.
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    Iron Will Broadheads - July Giveaway

    XS150 (crossbow) shoulder surgery two months ago.. Pa and Ohio!
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    Traditional rookie looking for help with long draw

    30lbs for hunting or for building strength? I believe there is a 35lb requirement in PA but also have no idea if that is advertised 28in weight or to your draw length. Appreciate the help!
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    Traditional rookie looking for help with long draw

    I had labrum repair on my left shoulder (righty shooter) a few months ago and want to get a traditional bow to help rehab, but also do have interest in dabbling in traditional hunting. I have. 31.5 inch draw and I am certainly open to weight suggestions but by what I’ve been told 20/25 would be...
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    Rather share to heighten people’s preparedness than hide in shame. Dumb mistake by me, but 100% could see someone making a mistake with a broadhead in the field and being in trouble. You can see the cutthroat sticking out like an inch, that’s the most anything was going through before. Now I...
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    😂 you win some, you loose some.. it’s all healed but as I move my ankle side to side you can see the two spots they put the tendons back together move up and down in unison. New party trick I guess
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    I just looked that up and that would be interesting talking to him about it! Honestly it was just not what I expected for a trauma injury pain level, but the level of disorientation with blood loss was freaky. Everything is fully functional but when I went to Ohio in November it was in the...
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    Searched for over an hour on crutches two days later... never found it. The broadhead that went through my leg was used to kill two buck this year so thats a positive.
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    I actually had a new 365 target but didnt want to use it until my old one was wore out... the cheapo in me caused this to happen. I ceremonially burned the one that the arrow went through haha
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    Sadly no, but no worries at all. Seriously wont shoot any other product and have a ton more respect for them. I knew they were sharp, but they sliced me like butter without me even feeling it
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    I went to Ohio hunting last November and a full med kit and tourniquet were in my pack. I couldn't imagine if it happened where I hunt there with no service and 3 mile walk out.
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    For real haha!
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    Axcel landslyde carbon pro all hype?

    Im putting my tripple stack housing on my Axcel Landslyde in the coming days. Just need the t rod to come in. More to come but I think it might be the best of both worlds
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    Iron will broadhead through my leg

    If you don’t want to see blood look away!! Last August I was preparing for my upcoming elk hunt and had a nightmare mistake. I had both Cutthroat and Iron Will broadheads and I wanted to test to see which flew closest to my field points. I shot a few rounds and Iton Will was the clear winner...
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    DCA Super Sabre Vanes

    I shot the originals hen moved to the V2s. I have had no issue with adhesion on either, and the new material stands up to pass through better. I am coming from max hunters but they are quieter, and stabilize just as well.
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    Long draw hunter looking at upgrading bows

    I have a levitate which is maxed at my draw 31.5 and absolutely love it. I havent shot the mach 34 but have heard it is similar. Go to your local pro shop and sling some arrows!
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    Ideas for RIP TKO Arrow Set Up

    IW HIT & collars are what I run and love it. Never had any off weight/shape and durability has been awesome.
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    Iron Will - June Giveaway!

    500-550 grain white tail!