With multiseason you can hunt with a bow during muzzy season. Cannot use a rifle, but can use the "lesser" weapon type if you have a multiseason tag and the season is open. In some cases the muzzleloader season can be more advantageous, even if you use a bow during that time.
Did you draw both tags? They are separate and not a combo for residents. I believe it is the same for non-res. If you drew both, that's pretty amazing luck.
In areas with multiple food options that are spread out, make sure you see active bear sign (namely poop) in the food sources you are targeting. It is very easy to notice, and saves you from observing a food source that the bears aren't hitting
My current bag requires that meat go in the actual bag and I am finding myself limited by that. When I have any amount of gear, I would rather have meat between the frame and bag
I do some bladesmithing, so I carry a thin 3.5" blade that I forged, along with a Havalon. Pretty hard to beat the Havalon for weight/convenience, but I still like having a fixed blade.