There's a good amount of opportunity for whitetails, but certainly not an easy hunt. When I see them muley hunting you either step on them before you know they're there, or there over 1,000 yards away running already. They'll bed just about anywhere
I've always admired Jim Shockey, really put the concept of adventure hunting on the map. I always appreciated the educational components to his shows, especially in the Uncharted series, hunting places I likely will never have the opportunity to experience myself.
I'm not a big fan of selling...
Just to add to what others said, definitely look west river for mule deer as a nonresident. With that being said, I know of several monster muleys shot east river, but on private ground. Just like any other western state, opportunities are getting harder to come by, but they do exist. Especially...
Just signed up for an early extension with GoHunt on your site. Nice to know that there are people out there fighting the good fight, but ashame it's necessary
I've actually found things I like about each of them. Winter/Summer range and migration corridors (for Colorado) are a little more user friendly with GoHunt IMO, and I also seem to have an easier time finding road/trail access with GoHunt. Overall I like the user experience on Onx more though. I...
Depends what you're looking for. Definitely nicer than my first buck! Lacking height for sure, but has some decent prongs. They all taste great if handled appropriately
As others have said, Mountain Archery, Camofire, and Euro Optic are all good places to check and will each have different deals. Sitka does go on sale fairly often, but usually no more than 20%, especially in the camo patterns (unless that model line is being discontinued or updated). If you're...
For my style of hunting in south dakota I like running 10x42s, and pull out the spotting scope for better detail on animals a mile or two away. I think 10x42s strike a perfect balance between zoom level and weight, with 8s not having enough zoom, and 12s being bulkier and having too much zoom in...
I've been running the Falken wild peaks 10 plys on my ram for about a year now, and they've been awesome. Where I live in western south dakota you get a little bit of everything, especially with the winter we've had this year. Snow, ice, gumbo, highway, creek crossings, dirt roads, gravels...