Hello, I know above your price range but I've been super happy with vortex razor hd 4000. It's 499 but sometimes there's deals. Ive had a couple Nikon's and broke both. Both middle of road nothing fancy just got in a store didn't research. Vortex works really well for me and I especially love...
Went off the deep end a bit so don't read if you don't want to. This might irritate some folks but it's one opinion on what we can do and how we can help keep us a part of the puzzle especially in my area. Hopefully it doesn't ruin anyones day.
24 here and living in North Central WA. I...
I like to turn a lot of my meat into jerky from the previous hunts and use it for the jerky on the current ones. It already tastes good but it's fun bringing your last hard earned Victory on your current one. And light weight. Carb and fats wise the honey stingers are a fantastic treat but...
I recently got the 12.5x50's and they seem great. Really excited to put them through the ringer. Only ever seemed to find good things on the reviews especially for price.
Well me personally if I get a Zeiss or swaro bino I'm gonna splurge on the top of the line or upper end ones. I don't know buying bottom of the barrel of a brand feels like buying a 4 cylinder muscle car because you want the looks of it but not all the abilities of the V8 model. If I'm gonna buy...
I just joined the forums and didn't realize how long the post actually posted up! Sorry about that. Also don't know how to edit existing post. I just wanna say not trying to start a brand war or make anyone mad with the opinions/observations especially with the vortex stuff. Just recent...
I just had this big decision last week. Picking optics is pretty opinionated since everyone's eyes are different but I'll try to explain it. Sorry a long post. Was using a pair of 8x32's on Olympic peninsula in thick country. Moving to eastern WA needed bigger binos and was going to do...