Search results

  1. Giles19

    Plywood Panniers - How To

    Canadian here as well. A set of Pokiak Plastic kitchen boxes will run a guy $380. Will weigh probably 12lbs less per box, far more durable, and water tight except for the lids. 99% of the time (except for trail cutting) I'm using hard boxes.
  2. Giles19

    Donna Boddington's Unlimited Ram

    Legal or not, a dink is a dink. Not one I'd want on my wall.
  3. Giles19

    Mountain Goat Taxidermy

    Couple pictures of my 2021 Kootenay B.C. billy, taken in late September. Mount done by Philip Giesbrecht at Apex Wildlife Art in Cranbrook B.C.
  4. Giles19

    Electric fences

    What are you guys using for a grounding rod? I've got an AN20 charger and fiberglass poles as well but have been packing around a stupidly big grounding rod that I got at the fencing store. Looking for something lighter. Maybe a short piece of rebar would suffice?
  5. Giles19

    My 2024 Dall Pack LIst

    A roll of Copenhagen for your guide, gotta take a mortgage out now to be able to afford it in Canada
  6. Giles19

    2023 Best Wild Sheep Hunt Photo Contest, sponsored by Stone Glacier

    Diego packing out my 10 year old late October BC bighorn
  7. Giles19

    Any Goat hunters on here from British Columbia Canada?

    From BC and hunt goats avidly myself, what info you do wanna know?
  8. Giles19

    FNG from BC

    Thanks Eddie!
  9. Giles19

    FNG from BC

    Hey Guys, New guy here from east BC. Enjoy hunting goats, sheep and bears. Diesel Mechanic by trade and try to spend as much time in the woods as possible. Look forward to chatting with you guys.