If it's passed 400 I'll dial, seems like having the ability to dial and switching to 6 arcs and 22 250 shooting 75 eldms have opened up alot more potential for the ones that hang up at 500 plus. The biggest thing that bit me in the ass has been sfp scopes on varying magnifications, yeah it...
1. Always know what the wind is doing no matter how slight
2. If you miss a coyote and he doesn't have his ass under him running but is instead hopping away, more than likely he is gunna stop so don't go throwing rounds at a runner
3. Don't jump up after you shot the first coyote, reload and...
Going to add another miss tonight...
I realized my eberlestock pack I used to chase coyotes absolutely does not double as an elk hunting pack 🤣 I will be looking into something with a frame very soon
A santa clause optics pup, was the only place that could get me one in time for a derby last year and honestly for the money I love it, the bog clamp on top almost weighs as much as the tripod I rub arca on my night gun so it's better but I think it weighs 4.4 lbs and is very sturdy
Nothing wrong with budget bombers, my ruger american 223 is an absolute hammer with anything I feed it 🤣 it's borderline sickening. We were shooting Prarie dogs and a buddy's ar kept doubt feeding and messing the tips up on bullets so he would toss em over to me and the ol ruger would still...
Was shooting a 300 prc with a 215 berger and took an extremely extreme high angle shot on a raccoon in a tree above me, the bullet bounced off the raccoon completely but knocked it out of the tree causing it to die when it hit the ground, proving once and for all that knock down power absolutely...
What's a piece of gear you wish you would have gotten sooner and a piece of gear you regret buying?
My hit is hands down my suppressor
My misses at the moment are a few garbage packs that are collecting dust
Running a 243 bolt gun at night, have been thinking about switching to a 22 arc ar platform soon. Switched my day platform to a 6 arc ar due to follow up shots costing a few coyotes derby hunting that would have put us in the money.
Curious on the dasher as well mostly due to varget being the choice powder, I have noticed the recoil impulse on my 6 arc using varget is way more pleasent than cfe or lever so the dasher having a little more capacity and that same recoil impulse with a temp stable powder I use in everything...
What speed if you had to guess? I'm running them at 2840 out of an 18 inch arc and it shoots wonderfully. Was thinking about trying it on deerthis year