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  1. W

    MD Sika Trip

    good luck! I have been starting to look into doing a sika hunt. let us know how it goes!
  2. W

    3 or 5 pin??

    I went from a 5 to a 3 pin slider last year and I'm sticking with it. I like the cleaner view. You won't miss the other pins
  3. W

    SE Goat

    nice mount! that's an awesome collection you got there!
  4. W

    Best heavy weight thermals?

    another vote for fl furnace. picked it up last year and it's much warmer than the other merino I had.
  5. W

    What do you carry in that backpack??

    Pa hunter here as well, I carry about the same as @BBarnett13. I also walk in wearing light layers and have all my heavy layers in my pack. once I get to the stand ill put the heavy layers on.
  6. W

    Ground Attack or never take off your harness

    wow, Glad your ok! Definitely need to stay clipped in. what type of ground setup did you go with?
  7. W

    Anyone like to cook / bake?

    We split the cooking duties as well but I definitely enjoy cooking. Mainly because i get to put what i want in the recipe. wife's a good cook but doesn't like using garlic or onions!
  8. W

    FNG - nepa

    hi everyone long time reader finally going to get in on the conversations!