SWOHTR--much appreciated. For Sawtooths, and any/all zones in general, is there any IDFG
statistical "lack of success" rate at which hunting pressure notably decreases? I'm pretty much
just "camping with a rifle"--so a 5% hunter success rate with consequent 50% decrease in traffic but stunning...
SWO/CustomW much thanks. It really might be that simple. I will start driving/checking
the roads/views in Sawtooths by late September. Backpacking: very much correct. So far
I've spent all my time in desert/arid zones by preference--but these tend not to be OTC/s.
Mountains will be a new thing!
Extremely unambitious hunter. If I ever take an elk, it will likely have walked up to
my truck and committed suicide. And I will very probably be boiling some tea,
reading a book, or taking a nap. I just like the idea that when I am camping
in a wild place I have the technical possibilty...