Just curious about some general knowledge on onx mapping. One area I’m considering for this September has what seems to be quite a few either fire lanes or just old shut down roads and I just what to know if this is something I should definitely avoid because of the likely hood of pressure or...
September archery and I would guess anywhere from 8000ft up to 11,000 depending on the area. Terrain will likely be rough considering it will be mountains
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I’m going to try and swing it just not sure how feasible it it will be financially, will cross that bridge at that time, something I’ve just thought about after reading another post is should I have tire chains on hand? I have zero intentions or desire of being around when the real snow season...
Love the drive and ambition. My biggest concern would really be in the very unlikely case that I get a kill is getting the meat out
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Here you are setting the the gold standard. Congratulations, how far was the pack out and how big of a kick in the balls was it
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I’ve looked at the average flight cost to try and make a 3 day summer trip and am even trying to think of a way to get my uncle (private pilot) to fly me out. Just not sure I can swing it being a single income with 4 kids and a wife that’s in college. If I can swing it at all it’s definitely on...
My mindset has been to backpack in 3-4 days and if I didn’t like what I saw move to another unit and do another 3-4 days. And truthfully that backpacking in spike camp is something I may be completely over fantasizing. It’s just so alluring to me for the adventure aspect and being completely...
I have plenty of buddy’s to hunt around north Louisiana with it’s just hard to get people to commit the money and time this will take not to mention having the personal discipline to get in the best shape they can prior to going. Doesn’t matter how bad you want it if you aren’t in decent shape...
After dreaming for years of going to chase elk with the support from my wife I’m finally prepping to go next September (2023) and backpack in while hunting. My biggest issue I have is that I don’t have anyone to go with me. A little about myself, I’m 28 and in fairly good flat lander shape. I’d...
Back country 3 days at a time. During archery elk season. Would you choose the MR Beartooth or MR Sawtooth? Being my first back country trip my fear is I won’t have enough room in the sawtooth and also fear that I’ll over pack the the Beartooth just out of human nature
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