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  1. Garandimal

    Keto meals?

    - Breakfast: 4.0x 70/ 6g (4 Large Eggs) (1.6) ( 280 mg. K) 3.0x 90/ 8g (3 1oz. 1 lb. Mozzarella) (3.0) ( 75 mg. K) 0.5x230 3g (1/2 Haas Avocado) (1.3) ( 345 mg. K) 0.5x100 0g (1/2 Tbsp Butter) (0.0) (+1/4 Tsp...
  2. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Seems that the super self-esteem building and participation trophy crowd has trouble with debate re: that which is fundamentally true, but is not part of their sound-bite programing. Standard hunting cartridges and ranges, and field marksmanship. Huh. GR
  3. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    The MOA is the same. Inexpensive practice - for those who want to hunt. GR
  4. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Really, and you actually hunt, too. Huh. GR
  5. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    So, your woodsmanship skills won't allow you to get closer, where you don't need all your "white feather" gadgets to kill game. And, therefore, don't need field marksmanship skills either. Huh. GR
  6. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    The proof is in the barbecue and sausage. Learn field marksmanship and woodsmanship and find out. GR
  7. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Oh, you mean hunting. Yes, pursuing animals and killing them. So you've figured it out. The .270 Winchester is a hunting cartridge, and the 6.5 PRC brings nothing in the way of field improvements, at the expense of its detriments. GR
  8. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    It was posted earlier in the thread. Just follow the trail of tear-filled tissues and the sound of screaming children. GR
  9. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    The 6.5 PRC Kool-aid concession must be lucrative here. At the bottom of each cup, there is an explanation for what the 6.5 PRC does better out to 300 yds, or even inside of 400 yds, to offset all the negatives it brings. GR
  10. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    A golf ball is ~ 3.36 MOA at 50 yards. But then, 4 MOA for aperture sights from field positions. Best $7 you will ever spend on field marksmanship. GR
  11. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Again... 3 MOA is also 1-1/2" at 50 yards. Spend 20 minutes shooting golf balls at that range with a .22 LR rifle, aperture sights or low-power optic, and then add the Five(5) second standing to field position. Best $7 you will ever spend on field marksmanship. GR
  12. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    This takes into account the 3-4 MOA precision of the M1 rifle and ball ammo. On the other hand, 3 MOA is also 1-1/2" at 50 yards. Spend 20 minutes shooting golf balls at that range with a .22 LR rifle, aperture sights or low-power optic, and then add the Five(5) second standing to field...
  13. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Wrong case head size/bolt-face. On the other hand... M1 GARAND BARREL, 6.5X55 SWEDISH GR
  14. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Didn't ask him to demonstrate rapid-fire (standing to sitting) at 200 with a service rifle. They asked his to do that "white feather" cult stuff. GR
  15. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Or that he was a Marine rifleman with 4 MOA field marksmanship training. GR
  16. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    3 MOA with an LPO, or 4 MOA with apertures, is just basic marksmanship. Building a solid shooting position in Five seconds is no great feat either. Hunting - that includes basic field marksmanship - just requires a different skill-set and equipment. And all the bench-rest "white feather"...
  17. Garandimal

    Fixing a Flinch

    Understand, in your soul, that the rifle is destroying the target, and not you. And that it is acting on your behalf. Then, GR
  18. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Very correct on the analysis. When taking a field shooting position in Five(5) seconds, and making a 3 MOA hit with a rifle on a game animal is hunting - the bench shooting dogmas and gear requirements fade pretty quick. And that is Jeff Cooper's definition of field marksmanship, not mine. GR
  19. Garandimal

    6.5 PRC Regrets

    Now that your panties are in a bunch, little one? Waiting for your explanation of what the 6.5 PRC does out to 300 yds, or even inside of 400 yds, better, to offset all the negatives it brings. New hunters - can hunt with hunting cartridges as well. Calm down first. GR
  20. Garandimal

    Comparing recoil between rifles of different weights

    One can also use Impulse. This is a good reference for all three, under the Recoil tab. Primarily use energy, but note velocity as well. Find what's comfortable to shoot all day w/o flinching, and what is not. Then build Your envelope. GR