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    Wyoming Freak

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    Are City Firefighters Overpaid?

    Just because someone goes to school longer doesn't automatically mean they should make more money. Sounds like if money is the primary motivator, the BSN should have considered a different profession.
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    Are City Firefighters Overpaid?

    200k? Wheres that because I'm moving!
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    Wyoming Trespass Fees

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    Wyoming Trespass Fees

    I believe it was a one time fee. The $350 guy said you only pay if you shoot one, so that was sweet. We went over with a cooler full of fresh salmon to trade with landowners. Turns out salmon isn't worth much in eastern Wyoming 🤣
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    Wyoming Trespass Fees

    Last time I was there they were asking an average of $500-1000 per hunter for Antelope. Cheapest I was quoted was $350. Id assume deer would be more.
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    Bino Harness- what are you taking?

    What improvement do you like? I have the Pro-m and am considering upgrading
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    How’s your fuel prices

    $4.79 this am
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    Idaho Draws

    Faith in tomorrow
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    Idaho Draws

    Mountain. Im ready to be disappointed. Bring on the results!