As someone who lives 20 miles from San Jose this is awful news. What a joke of a state. It appears from the article that its not official, just a proposal, until 30 days from now. We'll just have to wait and see
It's a mind over matter thing while you get started. Like anything it will become second nature with time. Just like how you taught yourself how to properly utilize a solid trigger pull all it takes is repetition
I work for a team building/leadership company specializing in ropes courses. Hoping to use the application pad as a jump board for working as a future outfitter
As a huge Steven Rinella fan I'm bummed to hear all the woes. Was considering some of their kit but now will have to rethink it. Is there anything they make that is universally loved?
This is actually one of my greatest outdoors fears. Not worried about bears or mountain lions but ticks. I'm sorry about the Lymes and wish you the absolute best
Pretty awful for the woman's family but I agree with many this will just perpetuate the grandstanding of anti 2A and the gun will of course be at fault, not the on scene armorer or actor.