Search results

  1. R

    WTB 20 gauge Montefeltro wanted

    24-26" barrel
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    WTS 35 Remington Marlin JM stamped

    Dang shame someone Bubba'd it. GLWS
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    Sold 1970 Ruger 44 Mag Carbine

    I'll take it per our PM's Payment has been sent.
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    WTS Winchester Classic Stainless MDL 70 300 Weatherby

    SOLD I bought this with the intent to go out West. That never happened. Only ended up getting a few Coyotes with her. Less than 200 rounds from load work up. Bare rifle with factory Synthetic stock $900 plus shipping to your FFL from a private individual. First posted I'll take it followed...
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    WTT WTS/WTT 1969 Browning BAR .270

    I have a Winchester Model 70 Stainless in 300 WBY I'd trade
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    Interested in 700 LA bottom metal. Is your product steel? does it come with action screws? If...

    Interested in 700 LA bottom metal. Is your product steel? does it come with action screws? If not to you have them for purchase? Thanks
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    WTS Kimber Montana 84M .308 Grey stock with 2 sets of rings

    The interested party posted a month after my last update.... Watch your own bobber....
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    WTS Kimber Montana 84M .308 Grey stock with 2 sets of rings

    Sorry Thinhorn As I stated I've been away from the internet. No service where I live in the summer months. Some people have better things to do than post 7500 plus times on a forum.......
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    WTS Kimber Montana 84M .308 Grey stock with 2 sets of rings

    Off to GunBroker. $.01 Start... Steal it.
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    WTB Wanted: Saddle worn Pre-64 Model 70 270 or 06.

    Very long story but my Uncle was promised a ranchers rifle and after he passed his kids sold it without telling him. I'd like to try to duplicate that rifle and am looking for a good start. I'm not interested in any very nice pre-64 Model 70's. What I'm looking for is a working Man's rifle. This...
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    WTS Kimber Montana 84M .308 Grey stock with 2 sets of rings

    Sorry I've been away from the internet for awhile. Rifle is back up for sale
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    WTS Kimber Montana 84M .308 Grey stock with 2 sets of rings

    Pm's replied to. It shot just about everything well once I learned to shoot such an ultralight gun. It takes some practice. It is factory with no Mods done.