30lbs anywhere is a big bobcat. Where we are located in Downeast Maine, we have a substantial amount of cats, with a high percent of them being fully grown, mature adult cats. Because of the excessive amount of cutting in our general area, it has grown back into ideal cover for rabbits, grouse...
Here is a 40.2lbr. Got him with my hound this past January. We ended the season with 13 caught cats, let 3 go and 5 weighed over 30lbs. With the one 40+ lbr.
Last winter I took 10 Bobcat up here in Downeast Maine. 5 were over 30lbs with one weighing in just over the illusive 40lb mark. Just received a call from my taxidermist saying his skull measured 5 1/4in. X 6in..
Just wondering if there's a record keeping on large bobcat.
Thanks much Jay...