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  1. S

    Share your “Buy once cried once” lesson

    I bought 4 different 200 dollar releases to try and find one I liked as much as the 275 dollar one. Now I have all five. Was not very smart though I do use all of them now haha
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    Haha I'm finding that most stuff on here is about western hunting. I'm just a missouri river bottom hunter lol feel kind of lost 🤣
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    Meat Eater

    Agree 100% the guy has an opportunity to blow up his name and business ventures. He'd be a fool not too
  4. S

    How’s your fuel prices

    2.77 in mo
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    Hey everyone what's going on? New on here but have been on AT for a while. Mainly signed up because of content and more opinions on things. General discussion and reviews and such.