Wouldn't we all? Don't know if digging up their tax returns and decrying they're spending on things other than "mission" is the best way to go about that, though.
You're the one here to take part in a thinly sourced internet character assassination of a beneficial hunter & fisherman's org, so...
I think if you provided concrete examples of their moral treachery, you wouldn't have to rely on casting aspersions and nebulous character assassination.
BTW, what group are you Director of?
Evidently, your $30 just won't buy everything you want from them?
Man if I were you, I'd dig up their tax returns then go on the internet and shit all over them because Trump lost.
You are missing something: They're not a charity established to direct funds to landowners.
Those employees do the lobbying and other work that accomplishes the mission, probably cheaper than they could pay you to misinterpret their charter in the interests of bad faith.
Do you have any of your papers in the literature? Because, you know, seems like every former tenderfoot Scout at the crossfit vegan gym considers himself an expert in public land game management these days...
I would submit, good sir, that you conflate betwixt the Constitution and our Declaration of Independence from Great Britain and Her tyrannical Monarchy. One is a legally binding document, the other is not. One would do well to distinguish that they are different documents, arrived at by...
So now you're telling me he also went against the state biologists and state game managers to singlehandedly kill your spring bear season? Wow. He must really be a big shot to have so much power over the lives of millions!
Hey bro, and all the rest of you - I don't work for BHA. I ain't even a member. I did buy a packraft and go to their website though.
Ya'll sound like a gaggle of rookie duck callers, trying to get the most put out when I correct some kid who thinks science-based sustainable game management is...
That's so sad. And so nonspecific. And so easy to type.
It's just the same ol story - Sooner or later, some guy in a sasquatch suit comes by to shit on anything worthwhile.
BHA does that. And educates non-hunters at brewpubs if some of us are to be trusted... Very similar competition in the marketplace of ideas. Gobs of churches, all needing my $$ and all offering me something positive.
By your lights, the biggest one is the only one we need.
It ain't like that...
As I pointed out earlier, every argument you make against BHA can be made against any church group - one of thousands competing for the ears of the Power(s).
So it's just a generic set of flawed complaints that can be made against almost any access group or really any organization devoted to...
In legal parlance, that called, "Joining in the suit" or "Filing an amicus curia brief", and it's not the sign of weakness or suspect character you seem to think it is...
And I'm not going to "dive deep" to prove your various assertions. Don't take this personally, but that's your dang job if...
You're describing bribery and calling it 'lobbying'. Your elected lawmakers shouldn't chose to vote based on who gives him/her the most shit, but rather based on what is the best morally and among his/her constituents... You remember that constituent and Constitution come from the same word...