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  1. T

    Tough CO opener

    I had the same experience last week. The elk were quiet and it was hot even at 10000 feet. I tried the same thing as you, sneaking up into where they were bedded. Of course I was caught and didn’t really have a chance for a shot in that thick timber. Gonna try again next week and see if they’re...
  2. T

    Any tips for ingrown toenails?

    I lost both toenails skiing last season, one of them grew back fine but the other is ingrown and was super infected after 2 days of hunting early season. I keep it clean with alcohol and peroxide and pack the edge with cotton. I’m going back into the mountains Sunday and was wondering if anyone...
  3. T

    Bull Beds and Dry Wallows

    Thanks for the info. As a total beginner I had no idea “dry wallows” existed and always thought of wallows as marshy mud pits with a pungent smell. What are some key features to look for and how could you tell if it was used recently?
  4. T

    1st Mule Deer Colorado

    Since your planning on setting up camp near the truck it would be useful to find a series of high glassing areas near road access. Try to have as many options as you can. You could set up, have each of your buddies glassing different spots in the area, and then if you aren’t finding anything...
  5. T

    Colorado Fires are a BITCH

    I have archery tags for these units (Deer/elk) and it’s going to make things extremely hard. All the spots I’ve scouted I can no longer hunt. Just gonna stay positive and make due with the areas that are still accessible.
  6. T

    Colorado Unit 7 - Rawahs on Fire

    For those of you with tags in this affected area, are you still going to try to hunt it or are you going to try to turn in your tags in exchange for OTC? I have archery tags (elk/deer) for these units and I have driven to a few spots that aren't the best or what I had originally planned on...