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  1. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Just non residents I believe
  2. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Rules are rules, just trying to find a tag!
  3. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Ya well gotta try
  4. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    I totally agree, just gotta find a tag that is available. I refuse to believe there’s not one tag out there that someone doesn’t plan on using. Someone had to draw a better hunt and doesn’t have time to do both.
  5. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Just looking to fide one otc nr tag, hoping to get lucky
  6. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    I have til October 10th to find one, hopefully I can find one out of all those tags? Reason is my hunting partner drew a 43 bull tag from October 15th through November 10 and I would love a deer tag in my pocket while we are looking for a bull!
  7. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Here it is
  8. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    They said with otc tags, they can be designated to anyone as long as proper forms were filled out through fish and game
  9. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Didn’t mean to start an argument between everyone, just going off what Idaho fish and game told me
  10. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    I was told different from fish and game office today, who knows, they said yes you can but that’s from them
  11. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Gotta try, beats eating the tag if someone else drew something better
  12. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    it’s called a tag designation! Call fish and game if you have any questions
  13. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    You can transfer tag through fish and game I believe
  14. G

    Looking for Idaho otc deer tag?

    Looking to purchase an Idaho otc deer tag from anyone who might have drawn something else and can’t go to Idaho. Will pay all fees and for the tag! Thank you and any help would be appreciated