Looking at the Leica Rangemaster CRF 2400-R and wondering if anyone had any real world use of it. Likes, dislikes and other comments are welcome. Thank you in advance
I just got a 1968 browning BAR in 7mm. It has a scope on it that is just about as old as the gun. I would like to get a new scope for it, I am looking for suggestions on a scope and see through scope mounts so I can still use the iron sights if need be. Any help would be great, thanks in advance
My grandpa is getting old and called today to say that for Christmas I can pick a gun out of his collection. I hunt upland birds and deer regularly. I am in the process of moving west and would like to hopefully start to hunt western game. I already have a .270 win, 30-30win, .223, and 25-06