Well, military complications have forced me to be home in August instead of September which threw out the Sawtooth tag. Looking at possibility of the Snake River Zone which seems to be only OTC so early, but doesn't seem very promising that early without shelling out money to landowners to hunt...
I'll update on the 13th on the tag. I understand the concern but I'm staying positive and trying to throw together a decent plan for all my options. Even if it doesn't work out this year I still am learning an unfamiliar area at the very least for the future.
They go on sale the 13th. I will be ready at the computer and am planning on getting it. If it doesn't work out I have a backup general tag plan but I'm concentrating on Unit 34 until then.
Hi, new to rokslide as a member but have done a lot of reading through these forums. Wondering if anyone had any tips for the unit 28 late archery deer and elk hunt. Was planning to be back in november for my local unit general hunt but the military wont let me have my fun this year. Only option...