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  1. K

    Sidearm caliber

    Never had to use one but when I carry I carry a .40 S&W M&P model. Dang heavy tho, sometimes better just carry bear spray. More times than not I don't carry anything at all just try to be careful.
  2. K

    Elk huntin partner

    Good luck hunting.
  3. K

    Blessed in Montana

    Looks great!
  4. K

    Hello from CO

    Good luck this fall!
  5. K

    Oregon Blacktail advice

    Good luck fellas.
  6. K

    Pack rain fly or not?

    "Newbie" here just trying to get my 10 messages in but I usually always carry a pack cover. Small lightweight, usually never use but worth it to have to keep gear dry inside if needed.
  7. K

    Healthy addictions....

    Best "addiction" to have. That's not even alot of hats could be much worse tell her.
  8. K

    Should i start buying points in Wyoming?

  9. K

    Need Food Advice

    I always carry a few jolly rancher hard candies, nice little instant simple carbs when you need it and what I call no bake cookie. I don't recall the exact recipe but it's mainly instant oats peanut butter some chocolate, with a few other minor ingredients and those are money. Put em in a pan...
  10. K

    Dark Timber Coffee

    Black rifle coffee when at a base camp and the Starbucks instant in the Backcountry with a pinch of hot chocolate get my vote.