Search results

  1. Clownbuster

    Sold Sitka ambient hoody medium

    I'll take this.
  2. Clownbuster

    WTS Sitka and First Lite Items

    Pm sent
  3. Clownbuster

    Sold First Lite Kiln L

    I'll take this
  4. Clownbuster

    WTS In WA/OR - RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme Single Stage Press & InLine Fabrication Ultramount Riser System w/4" LED Strip Light

    $285 local pickup, or actual shipping costs. Trade would be a sealed 8# of H4350 / H1000, or 2000 CCI / FED small or large rifle primers. Can add cash to make trades. Local pick up available between the PDX to the Centralia, WA area. Edit: Traveling to Spokane 2/17 - 2/18 thru...
  5. Clownbuster

    WTS LPR 6.5 GAP 4S Barreled Action, Lone Peak Razor Ti, Proof Carbon, Trigger Tech Diamond, Redding Dies and Brass

    Barreled action only for sale. A catch and release, I purchased this rifle for the stock and scope for another project. This was custom machined and built to run the Berger 156 EOL. Build Specs: - Lane Precision Rifles built - Lone Peak Razor Titanium- SA • Action was machined to be used with...
  6. Clownbuster

    Sold XLR element mg 4.0

    Mine, send me pay deets