Gear dump:
Sold-L.H. Montana Black Gold Single Pin .019” green Ascent Verdict. No tapes. $110
Sold-MBG Dovetail 6” with all hardware. Non Bridgelock. $50
L.H. Hamskea Trinity Hunter. No hardware or cable. $85
Shrewd Atlas V bar back bar mount. All hardware. $60
Beestinger back bar mount $20...
11 Sirius Orions 250 Spine. .166” ID.
29 1/8” c to c, 30 3/8” nock valley to end of outsert. 6 with 4” wraps and Day Six insert/outsert @ 100 gr. 5 with 6” wraps and Ethics Archery insert/outsert @ 100 gr. All with Q2i vanes 4 fletch with right offset. All weigh 415 gr without tips. 4 with...
Black Eagle Rampage (15) .003, 250 Spine, 30” c to c. Cut and squared. 10.7 gpi. Factory 51 gr half out, factory nocks, nock collars + extras. 5” wraps, Q2i Fusion X-II 3” right offset. 432 grains without tips. Half outs come out with drill bit slide hammer technique easily. Some never shot...
Tooth of the Arrow 125 grain S-Series XL. Solid series. 1 3/16” cut.
6 total, and sharpener. 1 shot into foam. All carried in quiver one season. All freshly sharpened.
$120 shipped for the lot, you pay payment fee if using. Priority to selling the whole lot. Otherwise. $48 for 3 heads and $32...
Tooth of the Arrow 125 grain S-Series XL. Solid series. 1 3/16” cut.
6 total, and sharpener. 1 shot into foam. All carried in quiver one season. All freshly sharpened.
$120 shipped for the lot, you pay payment fee if using. Priority to selling the whole lot. Otherwise. $48 for 3 heads and...