Search results

  1. UpNorth89

    Replacement UTV winch line

    I'm not sure what brand is on mine but the synthetic rope is the way to go.
  2. UpNorth89

    looking at a kayak for stand-up fishing, if possible, and all around use

    Last year I bought a Hoodoo impulse and have been very happy with it. The price and quality is good too. After a few outings standing up and fishing out if it is pretty easy.
  3. UpNorth89

    Sold SWFA 3-15x42 Milquad

    I'll take this. Pm sent.
  4. UpNorth89

    The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

    I hear this all the time from those who dislike overtime. Every job I've had I've worked overtime with paychecks substantially larger because of jt.
  5. UpNorth89

    Mark 4hd vs night force shv

    Might have to incorporate that into future drop tests.
  6. UpNorth89

    H.R. 82 - anyone watching this?

    I think everyone should get out of social security what they paid in regardless if they have a pension or not. If you didn't pay into social security you deserve nothing from the program.
  7. UpNorth89

    POS Leuplold…

    Leopold wandering zeros are common and well known to be an issue. If it has a wandering zero it's failed to do the number 1 task that it's meant to do. Showing a pile of dead animals killed with it is a moot point since they are typically killed within a range where they zero being off is...
  8. UpNorth89

    Form struck someone’s nerve

    Exactly. Now I know that a bull elk is basically comparable to a bull elephant.
  9. UpNorth89

    Form struck someone’s nerve

    There's over an hour of my life I can't get back listening to that JVB podcast. Thanks Rokslide lol.
  10. UpNorth89


    Will take. Pm en route
  11. UpNorth89

    Colorado Fake Tag Caps??

    Ding Ding Ding
  12. UpNorth89

    Is it all Leopolds

    It still seems like many people believe their scope didn't fail because they successfully killed an animal. If you killed an animal even though your scope slightly lost zero it still failed.
  13. UpNorth89


    Where in the classified rules does it state items can't be sold over retail price? I see items all the time listed over retail (SWFA).
  14. UpNorth89

    9mm vs 10mm for Bear defense.

    This. If a bear is on me I want it to go bang when I pull the trigger and not have to worry about limp wristing a 10mm.
  15. UpNorth89

    Do you tip your game processor?

    At what point does absolutely everyone start getting a tip?
  16. UpNorth89

    Did your Christensen Arms group?

    Yes, although it's a little finicky. 300PRC Ridgeline.
  17. UpNorth89

    Sold Magneto Speed V3

    I'll take this. PM Sent
  18. UpNorth89

    Best Eating Upland Bird Poll

    Didn't see it on the list but ruffed grouse!
  19. UpNorth89

    How ABSOLUTE LOW must one stoop?

    It's not just theft, the person who stole it is also putting someone in a potentially life threatening position depending on weather.
  20. UpNorth89

    Sold Kuiu Pro 7800

    Good morning. I'll take this. PM coming.