There was a great story on another forum about a teacher this year who got a call for a returned tag half way through the season. I wonder if he got the call after you? It was a weekday only unit and he managed to pull it off.
Congrats on your bison and other tags. I dont know what Id do in...
There are a few rocky and cali bighorn hunts in BC. I also learned in the last year there were some Rocky tags in Colorado and at least some desert tags in NM on private land.
I wont be surprised to see reservation hunts and the last of the gov tags jump based on outfitter prices.
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Please post the outfitter name though it seems easy to figure out. Having honest reviews is important for everyone.
Im sorry to hear about your hunt and completely agree with your ideas mentioned earlier. All the guaranteed money on these hunts is not good.
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He got reported and if I recall correctly got some penalties. He was a well known one man shop but I honestly cant remember his name, wish I could. There were some threads mentioning this incident and calling him out.
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I think Switzerland shut down Alpine Ibex to non swiss citizens a couple years ago. I feel like I also heard Argentina has some different rules (maybe just export issues) for native game and birds.
There are some people still hunting Russia, Pakistan and Iran with some animals being shut down...
Found this balloon elk hunting in montana this week. Its pretty heart wrenching.
Hey grandpa, i miss you. Im doing good. You would be so proud of how far I have come. Im still doing wrestling and Im doing good in school better then I have. Im a 9th grader now. High school is kind of scary lol...