I’ll be running an 18” with a Scythe when brass gets here. Not too confident it’s going to stay together with all the failures being reported.
Would anyone be willing to let me borrow a go gauge? I’d pay for shipping to and from and some extra for letting me use it.
Growing up my grandma floured her bacon before frying. It’s still my favorite way to eat it. The outside gets crispy and the inside melts in your mouth. Grease also doesn’t pop when cooking it either.
My last contribution of the season. 143 eld -x again, 400 yards, ran about 40 yards after first shot, started to stumble, shot again, went down. Both exited and were an inch or so wide.
My 6th doe this year with the 143eld-x. This was the hardest tracking job I’ve had with this bullet. 260 yards but shot high and a little far forward. Found a few drops of blood and lost it in the flooded woods. Luckily I was able to find it in a clearing about 80 yards from where I shot it.
Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Sam Barber, Wyatt Flores, Levi Turner, and Tanner Usrey among others. Turnpike Troubadours is probably my all time favorite.
Sam Barber does an excellent cover of an unreleased Tyler Childers song.
I’ve been curious about this too. I originally had an 18” 8tw barrel on order but ended up switching to a 7.5. I’m strongly considering running the eldm’s but don’t think they are going to hold up. I just need to pony up and buy a barrels worth of dtacs.
I’m wondering if I should change my 6um brass order to 6.5 saum and neck it down the …old fashioned way? I’ve had my prefit 6um barrel for a while now. Will I have issues using the 6 um brass or will I be good to go with fire forming?
If you ran them through the sizing die and they still aren’t chambering, turn the die in a 1/4-1/2 turn and resize them again. Do this until they chamber. I would put money on it that this is the issue.
To measure shoulder bump you would need a comparator.
I have twice. Once with a vortex diamondback, and the other time was with a leupold VX-3. The diamondback was a scope failure, couldn’t get it rezeroed afterwards, the leupold sits on my .22 now. Since switching to a Nightforce SHV and Warne rings the only time I’ve had to rezero is when I put...
I wanted a 33xc or 338 rum for a while because I thought it would be fun to mess around with. I’m building a 6um instead. I need it about as much as I need a .338 but at least the recoil with be tolerable.
I vote a 6mm or .338.
I am fortunate that my wife’s family are farmers and get a significant amount of depredation doe tags every year. This year I headed out for the last day of primitive season and passed on a young 8pt. The next morning was opening rifle season. I doubled up on two does within 5 minutes of each...
Opening morning in Louisiana and put down two doe before 0800. 6.5 creed and the eld-x is the easy button. Both shots today were between 50-100 yards, both double lunged and ran about 40 yards after the shot. Exits were silver dollar size, and easy to follow blood trails. I’ve got 10+ kills with...
I may have to try it, they had it in stock as well. Unfortunately one of the bottles I got is bad. As soon as I opened it last night there was a super strong musty smell and that is exactly what it tasted like. Hoping they will let me exchange for another bottle.
I emailed them last week and was told 6um brass would run in October but it sounds like dies should be shipping out soon. I never did hear if it would be necked to 6mm or just head stamped.
Website does show 6.5 saum brass in stock, 6um is still backordered.