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  1. GoBig


    Wolves, Private land, Lots of people. Good luck.
  2. GoBig

    Has anyone done a pedestal mount on the wall?

    I have a couple hanging on my wall just like that. I love the form and think they look great. You could also have a taxidermist build you rock outcropping or something behind/next to it if you don't like that look. I don't have any but you should be able to find some good examples on the net.
  3. GoBig

    Am I looking for a unicorn?

    Doable, and I think it easier than people think. People chase hard to draw tags and units and think it will be easy and get disappointed really quickly. There are a couple of keys, draw a good unit, then scout, search out information, glass, be patient, be in shape, and some luck (luck is when...
  4. GoBig

    Idaho OTC tag purchase experience

    I was on my Phone.
  5. GoBig

    Idaho OTC tag purchase experience

    Was 5900, made it to the front of the line, was told I was being directed to purchase a tag, it refreshed that page once, I sat there waiting, then it totally kicked me out of the system. Had to get back in line, deer tag I wanted was long sold out by then. Frustrating.
  6. GoBig

    Eastern MT??? Thoughts?

    Its not about meat for me, its about the experience. I don't need to bag a 20" 4 point to have a successful trip. The deer are hurting everywhere, if you wan't to talk about how bad it is, just go to Idaho. I didn't fill a tag there either. Deer are in poor shape and now everyone is sitting in...
  7. GoBig

    Idaho draw

  8. GoBig

    Eastern MT??? Thoughts?

    NR here, what about issuing tags by zone? not giving everyone (NR) run of the state. I can emphasize with the residents, mostly what I see in the area I have been going to are NR, very few residents, I am sure you guys are frustrated and traditional spots have been overrun. I also agree that...
  9. GoBig

    Eastern MT??? Thoughts?

    I got back from Eastern Montana last week. Weather was warm but bucks were rutting. I have been 5-6 times is all but things have changed dramatically. The first time I went there were bucks and does all over and no people, at least where we were at. Since then it has become less bucks, does, and...
  10. GoBig

    Archery elk Oregon southern cascades

    Hunting General season westside elk may be close to what Colorado Elk seasons look like, without the orange. Hard to get away from anyone and not near as many elk. they are fragmented into small groups in certain areas. The wildernesses are small and mostly burned off, not many elk in them from...
  11. GoBig

    Give up on AZ?

    Coues deer are challenging and fun. I am sitting on 13 deer points, and I am in no-man's land for a high-end Coues tag and a bunch of Coues tags. Lol. Also sitting on 8-9 elk points after drawing a tag in the past. Hard to give in, but I would look at trying a coues hunt, after you draw a tag...
  12. GoBig

    Give up on AZ?

    I would keep buying the points, after 5 years you get the loyalty point per species and if you take the Arizona hunters ed you get a permanent point for life. So, after 5 years and you draw a tag, you actually start back at 2 points. Don't know what you're holding out for unit wise but even the...
  13. GoBig

    Wyoming general season elk tags

    By no means an expert on Wyoming, I have burned my points the last two years on LE deer and LE elk. I would think most LE elk units are a pipe dream, A unit that takes 7-8 now will be at 12-13 when you get to 7-8.
  14. GoBig

    Sold How bad do you want to hunt Wyoming general elk in 2023? -points share opportunity-

    This happens and is being done in all states that allow points to be averaged. Colorado being a state that doesn't average points in the party, so it doesn't work there. In Arizona with point guard a guy can do this twice.
  15. GoBig

    Idaho Fish and Game Website problems

    I don't think you can log in on multiple devices this year. Only one per person.
  16. GoBig

    Idaho Fish and Game Website problems

  17. GoBig

    Idaho Fish and Game Website problems

    400 people in the first one hour and ten minutes.... going to be a long day/night... why did they bump it to 20 minutes per person this year? I thought i was 10 minutes per customer last year. If the site worked properly I would think 10 minutes would be plenty.
  18. GoBig

    Oregon Tioga Green Dot Road Questions???

    Not familiar with the Tioga green dot system, in Eastern Oregon some green dots are closed for Archery and Rifle and some only rifle deer and elk. Call ODFW or OSP
  19. GoBig

    Oregon Tioga Green Dot Road Questions???

    Unless the road they are traveling on with a motor vehicle has a green dot on the sign, it is closed. Its not a matter of ethics, its illegal.
  20. GoBig

    Luxe Tents 50% sale. Should I?

    I have one, no issues with it at all. Customer service was good, set up is easy and has held up well in heavy snow and windy conditions.