Search results

  1. Defrankm

    Barrier of entry to Sheep hunting

    JBrown, I 100% agree. Aoudad are a really fun hunt, but the hunts do not compare to a true sheep hunt. I've been fortunate to hunt aoudad a couple of times and they are a really good hunt. But the fact that they are labeled as a poor man's sheep hunt is a stretch and then some. I have been...
  2. Defrankm

    Barrier of entry to Sheep hunting

    The better outfitters will be in the $6,000 to $7,500 ballpark. The demand on aoudad has skyrocketed. I hunted them for the first time in 1997 and a free range hunt back then was $1,500. You can find some for a bit cheaper, but as a rule of thumb, cheaper is usually cheaper for a reason.
  3. Defrankm

    Colorado Unit 10 elk

    Messaged you back, thank you for the reply
  4. Defrankm

    Colorado Unit 10 elk

    Haha, I’ll take any input, but was hoping for a bit more recent.
  5. Defrankm

    Colorado Unit 10 elk

    I got lucky this year and was able to draw a Colorado Unit 10 early rifle bull elk tag in the hybrid draw. I am a Colorado resident and am a fairly experienced elk hunter. I will spend some time in the unit over the summer to better learn the unit. I was just reaching out to see if anyone has...
  6. Defrankm

    Dall sheep outfitters ?

    Thank you. If you need his contact information or have any additional questions about the hunt please feel free to let me know. Best of luck to you in your search. It is an adventure you will never forget.
  7. Defrankm

    Dall sheep outfitters ?

    He was mentioned by someone else, but I'd highly recommend Thor Stacey in the Brooks Range. He has an exclusive area on federal land on the north slope of the brooks range. I hunted with him last year after researching many outfitters in both Alaska and Canada. We had a fantastic hunt passing...