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  1. Lpalmer2

    Elk habitat

    Thanks I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else. Y’all have a great season.
  2. Lpalmer2

    Elk habitat

    Quick question regarding elk habitat and what y’all think a elk would prefer. I’m taking a backpack trip elk hunting during the first week September to the North Slope UT and am hunting the same unit I did a few years back but am contemplating trying a different area. While I’ll ultimately end...
  3. Lpalmer2

    Wyoming Non resident mule deer

    Hey JC, so things hadn’t worked out with a few people who have pm me. And I think you were the next guy in line. Shot me a PM when you get a chance, I think I must not have enough posts to send a pm. Also not sure where your elk hunting but I know where some pretty decent ones are.
  4. Lpalmer2

    Wyoming Non resident mule deer

    Yea JC, I’d likely start with my bow for a few days. That one I got last year with my bow and for sure it’s a different rush. Watched him go into a ditch and not come out. Worked up wind ended jump some bull elk, they ran off. I looked in the ditch and saw him stand up and lay back down. Gave...
  5. Lpalmer2

    Wyoming Non resident mule deer

    we’ll be packing in and will most likely be a gun hunt.
  6. Lpalmer2

    Wyoming Non resident mule deer

    So me and my brother messed around and forgot to buy our preference point for WY deer. So I’m curious is any body has any points that would wanna join our party. It’s a unit with 100% draw with anything over 0. I work in the oilfield and had a day off and went out and killed my buck, which was...
  7. Lpalmer2

    DIY Utah Elk

    Got an early season elk hunt coming up September 6-13 in Utah. I’m going to be hiking into the North Slope over by the Sheep creek res. I’m a non resident and have no experience in utah. Was planning on hunting water and using a trail cam to setup over other water source or finding old burns for...