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  1. M

    2021 Rokslide Cold Bow Challenge

    I want to play shot 1 - 4/21/21 Hackberry selfbow I recently finished 25 yards MER maybe 65 pounds at 28 (no way to measure) 550 grain arrow. 250 grain grizzly up front. Low heart kill shot 2- 4/22/2021 A little higher, kill shot 3- 4/23/2021 too low, getting it higher tomorrow shot 4- 4/25/21...
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    Bob Lee Hunter.

    It means it will be quieter than a recurve but also potentially stack even more at 28 inches. If it were me, I would call/email the guys at Bob Lee and just confirm that that baby can safely handle a 28 inch draw.
  3. M

    WTB looking for "Day One camo" XL or Lg.

    Strangly, I think I have a set exactly matching that. Pm coming.
  4. M

    WTS/WTT First lite Llano Large $50

    Too small. Never been worn afield. Would trade for an XL also. $50 TYD.
  5. M

    How would you kill this elk?

    Thanks for all the input fellas! Extremely helpful. Elknut, don't worry, I've got the app and I'm a slow play genius now after your podcast. Slow play for life. Chindits, I wouldn't say I'm beating myself up about it. I love elk hunting. I love elk. But there's far more to this life than a...
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    How would you kill this elk?

    Duly noted Elknut. Problem is that I stuck a huge bull a few years back just aimlessly walking around and I always feel like I can replicate it.
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    How would you kill this elk?

    Probably 3 hours before dark.
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    How would you kill this elk?

    Nope, just walking real slow in an area I thought looked good.
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    How would you kill this elk?

    Ya, another human would have been the best option.
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    How would you kill this elk?

    Thanks guys. This is fun. It was dark in there so I felt hidden but honestly I dropped to my knees in zero cover. Not even up against a tree or anything. One of my "reasons" for freezing up, besides being a coward, is that my dad was hunting a killer wallow I had found about a quarter mile away...
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    How would you kill this elk?

  12. M

    How would you kill this elk?

    Last year I was still hunting, saw a cow, and realized I was about 50 yards from a nice bull and his cows. I hunt with a recurve so I need that distance cut in half. I mainly let fear of scaring them drive my decision making process. I ended up letting them feed over a rise and out of sight...
  13. M

    Kuiu zip off leggings XL

    Sold Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Kuiu zip off leggings XL

    Spf Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. M

    Kuiu zip off leggings XL

    210’s Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. M

    Kuiu zip off leggings XL

    I’m the second owner but I don’t think either of us actually took them to the field. $50 tyd. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk