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  1. L

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Alright last two stories I have and like I stated both are not related to hunting. My wife and I were living in a townhouse shortly after her Dad had passed away. My wife likes to burn candles and forget to blow them out. This irritates me as I worry she will burn the house down so I get on...
  2. L

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    I'll tell one more hunting related story but not necessarily creepy but I think the experience would have scared almost any hunter. We were pushing a corn field towards a 80ac woodlot. About halfway through the standing cornfield I hear a very muffled gunshot. Heard some yelling but everyone was...
  3. L

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Could have been. It didn't totally creep me out but I just found it really strange and haven't been able to explain it. The direction on the trail the light was headed would have had to be a few miles to the next parking area and there was no public in the direction the light came from. Most...
  4. L

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Another one that happened to me while hunting in the Midwest. The moon was full or near full where it lit up most of the woods. I had an uneventful hunt on some public land and used my red headlight until I made it to a trail I used to get back to my truck. Now this trail is closed to hunting on...
  5. L

    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Started reading this thread last week while on a camping trip with the family and really enjoyed it. Not wanting it to end I'll share some stories but unfortunately none involve the backcountry. First one I was hunting in KS while stationed there. Decided I needed to get further away from my...
  6. L

    Advice on 2-3 packs to test

    Honestly haven't really heard much about them and it seems the three I listed are what often get listed as the big 3. After doing a quick search it seems some people are really liking SO. Do they have just a frame you can start out with? On their website its confusing as to whether or not you...
  7. L

    Advice on 2-3 packs to test

    Thanks guys. I'll keep my eyes on the classified as well for the next few weeks.
  8. L

    Advice on 2-3 packs to test

    Any idea if an exo bag would work on a SG frame? What did you not like about the SG?
  9. L

    Advice on 2-3 packs to test

    I'm going to be buying a pack frame in the next month. I plan on doing some elk and moose hunts over the next 10yrs and primarily deer hunt. This summer I'll be doing some hiking in national parks and will need a frame i can strap a child carrier to when my kids are tired of walking that will...