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  1. bowhuntercam


    Nice ram
  2. bowhuntercam

    An NWT Adventure of a Lifetime

    Beautiful sheep. Congrats thanks for sharing
  3. bowhuntercam

    NWT August 2024 Sheep Hunt

    Congrats, nice write up thanks for sharing!
  4. bowhuntercam

    Alberta Sheep Hunt Gear List

    Looks pretty solid. I'd bring rain paints. Forget the pocket knife, pack the Leatherman in your bino harness. No need for the solar panel, if you're worried about power bring two power packs. Good luck,
  5. bowhuntercam

    The Capra World Slam.

    Mongolia Gobi & Altai Ibex and Northern Pakistan Himalayan Ibex are great adventures. In terms of value those are a few of the best.
  6. bowhuntercam

    NWT Sheep gear decisions help

    Bring that spotter and something to digiscope / phonespoke with.
  7. bowhuntercam

    Donna Boddington's Unlimited Ram

    One hell of a ewe. Congratulations.
  8. bowhuntercam

    Is he too young?

    Go for it!
  9. bowhuntercam

    Slam Completed

    That's very awesome. Congratulations!
  10. bowhuntercam

    2023 Stone Sheep Hunt vid

    Real deal. Good couple videos.
  11. bowhuntercam

    Flying to Whitehorse from TX

    I'd try to clear customs in Calgary rather then Vancouver. There's direct flights Huston/ DFW to Calgary and direct flights to WH on Air North or WestJet.
  12. bowhuntercam

    November '23 Himalayan Blue Sheep story

    Congratulations. Thanks for sharing!
  13. bowhuntercam

    Sheep Story (Podcast)

    everything a sheep hunt should be. Congrats
  14. bowhuntercam

    Montana Breaks Bighorn hunt

    Nice going, Congrats thanks for sharing your hunt.
  15. bowhuntercam

    out of the <1 club :)

    Great story, thanks for sharing. Congrats
  16. bowhuntercam

    Stone Sheep Success

    Awesome, doesn't get any better!
  17. bowhuntercam

    ...on the mountain!

    Nice sheep and story. Congrats
  18. bowhuntercam

    Who's hunting sheep soon?

    🤞 good luck
  19. bowhuntercam

    Archery Harvest Pics for sheep?

    awesome ram
  20. bowhuntercam

    Solo Sheep Story

    Sweet sheep, even better hunt and story