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  1. Jaquomo

    Biggest bull yet!

    Thanks for the great story and background. Nicely done all the way around!
  2. Jaquomo

    Biggest bull yet!

  3. Jaquomo

    NW Colorado Beatdown

    Excellent! Thanks for sharing the story!
  4. Jaquomo

    Ivory Wedding Band

    I've had earrings made for wives and girlfriends over the years and they love them. They hold the color really well. Problem with a ring is if it is worn regularly, the beautiful brown "rings" wear off and it becomes a white blob. Pro tip - if you ever have ivories that have lost their...
  5. Jaquomo

    What's your elk schedule?

    Yes, 7-8
  6. Jaquomo

    What's your elk schedule?

    CO the whole month with an ES archery elk tag and archery cow moose. Enjoying the journey.
  7. Jaquomo

    First Time Elk Hunters

    Do you know for sure that there are more elk a couple miles in, than right there beside the truck where you can have a comfy camp and be mobile?
  8. Jaquomo

    Use of Walkie Talkies in CO

    Know that WCOs drive around with FRS/GMRS scanners to listen in on hunters. My WCO buddy has some great stories of crazy stuff he has listened in on. He once recognized my voice when I was relaying my location to a buddy way up a valley, broke into our conversation, asked if it was me, and we...
  9. Jaquomo

    Processed based hunter education

    I read their website and I like what they are offering. When I was guiding for an outfitter, a few hunters wanted to learn, most just wanted me to lead them to a big bull so they could pull the trigger. I enjoyed teaching. Check the reviews carefully, but for $3500 you will probably gain a...
  10. Jaquomo

    Who will shoot a cow elk this year?

    I'll shoot whatever is closest to a road. After more than 50 years of doing this, I don't need any more racks hanging in the garage rafters, and have plenty of dog chews.
  11. Jaquomo

    Colorado unit 2 Elk.

    Thanks! That's about right. IMO, many guys who hunt over there after hunting ordinary places really overestimate bulls they see there. We had killed and measured a lot of bulls so we had a pretty good idea, but there really isn't that much difference between 320 and 350 if you start adding a...
  12. Jaquomo

    Colorado unit 2 Elk.

    Well, my partner and I cammed all summer and scouted several times, and between the end of June and when we shot our bulls we didn't see or cam a bull bigger than an honest 330. We shot the two biggest bulls we saw (hunting with recurves) and mine grossed 353 and my partner's 364.. This was...
  13. Jaquomo

    Front Porch Elk Calling

    My longtime hunting partner lives out in open country, in front of the foothills in N.CO. He has a timbered creek bottom running below his house. He was out on the deck screwing around with a new call, heard an answer, and out came three cows, walked almost up to the house.
  14. Jaquomo

    Early morning wake-up’s

    Hate it. I'm already looking forward to thr midday nap before I even start hiking
  15. Jaquomo

    Do I need more clothing items? Sept CO Elk hunt

    I hunt between 8,000-10,000 feet and am in the woods hunting or helping the whole month of September. My everyday elk outfit is a thin synthetic base impregnated with silver, another thin base, either poly or merino, a camo flannel shirt, and a Cabelas zip-front hoodie in either a light or dark...
  16. Jaquomo

    Do I need more clothing items? Sept CO Elk hunt

    Yes, yes you do need more. As much as you can afford, of as many different items as you can find on sale on Camofire and everywhere else. Then you store different stuff in different tubs for species/seasons, and convince your wife that the spare bedroom with the big walk-in closet is actually...
  17. Jaquomo

    How do you handle windy days?

    What sort of elk are you hunting where scent is not much of an issue? When I hunted and guided in open country I e watch elk get a solid whiff of hunters at 400 yards and flee into the next unit.
  18. Jaquomo

    How do you handle windy days?

    I've never found such a place, but some of the "hunt all day" guys apparently have. I take the days like the OP described off. Elk have low activity levels and are on high alert because two of their primary senses are compromised.
  19. Jaquomo

    Kuiu verde or valo for Colorado elk and muley?

    This is the least of your concerns. Get whatever is on sale, and whatever will be comfortable in snow or 70 degree bluebird weather.
  20. Jaquomo

    My elk bowhunting soapbox.

    I tried a Catquiver for a couple years, the Tom Miranda method, and didn't ever get used to fumbling around with exposed broadheads I couldn't see. I've shot with a bow quiver for over a half century, on every kind of bow, and just practice with it