You would pay the special draw price of $2000 instead of your resident elk tag price of $50. You are a generous guy.
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It was easy for me. I just stopped applying in Wyoming. I wasn’t that deep with only a couple of points to lose. I feel sorry for the guys with 10 or so points that can’t walk away as easily. WYG&F treats nonresidents poorly. $2000+ for an elk tag. What a joke.
I might be wrong but with fewer...
That might have been the wrong choice of words on my part. Really what I am looking for is to talk with someone that has actually been on this hunt before.
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I am going to try and make it up there twice this summer. A week in July and a week in August. I should have a pretty good lay of the land and will know where the sheep typically hang out.
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This is a long shot, but has anyone ever hunted S74? All my clean living finally awarded me a coveted sheep tag. I am hoping, that since it is a sheep tag that know one would mind sending me a couple waypoints. Grizzly Creek seems to be where all the sheep are harvested. The unit has a healthy...
You are correct. I too was fortunate enough to draw a few tags back when you were assigned a ranch to hunt on. Those were hunts that you could write home about.
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I had an old 2021 NM hunters guide laying around and compared it to the 2024 regs. They are no where near identical. Not sure where you got your information from but you are wrong.
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I do pay taxes. Federal taxes which does pay for the management and upkeep of BLM and NF land. Since my state has no public ground the lion share of my contributions go to states that do.
My grievances with the state. They intentionally disguise the NR allotment is such a way as to deceive...
The nonresident 6% is contingent on there being enough tags offered. So NM wildlife have fenced out the NR by reducing the tag allotments.
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I am not a big antelope hunter. I put in for it every year primarily because I have already purchased a hunting license. This year, I noticed that the Nonresident opportunities to draw a tag are way down. It might have been that way for several years, but I didn’t notice it until now.
I knew...
To me it’s not so much about resident and nonresident as it is about the middle class dyi hunter being priced out by the wealthy. The lawmakers would love to make it resident against nonresident but it’s really the rich vs the middle.
I am all for residents getting the lion share of tags. The...
At the current nonresident special tag prices those tags would cost me $17,850 assuming I drew each tag with zero points.
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Oklahoma is a sleeper state when it comes to whitetails. The problem is that there is minimal public land and people from Texas have driven up lease prices for good land.
So your dream car is a Cadillac? It must really suck getting old.
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In Oklahoma, if you bow hunt, a nonresident can get 6 deer tags (2 buck tags) and hunt from October 1- Jan 15th for a whopping $300. Not all states are as greedy and as efficient at fleecing people as Wyoming.
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