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  1. E

    Looking For Suggestions - (Elk) Mountain Rifle Build Shooting Copper

    Since you are going with copper bullets you can get buy with smaller diameter bore IE 6.5 or 7MM if you choose and still get the penetration needed for big animals like elk. 280 ai, 30-06, 6.5 prc 7mm prc. Lots of good choices out there.
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    MTN OPS down jacket

    6ft 4i 215 xxl fits good
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    MTN OPS down jacket

    6ft 5in 210 and am trying 2 of the xxl grid fleece. Yup see how it goes. Sleeve length and body length are deal breakers so the extra body size will help I hope.
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    WTS Nightforce, Vortex scope

    I will take the razor if not already spoken for.
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    22k hornet

    As an update i tried 2 blue dot loads with the 34 gr nosler hp at 3.7 and 4.5 gr. Both shot well very near .5 inches at 50 yrds. Report was mild and i did not get velocity reading this trip out. Tried some reduced loads with 5744 but much louder as would make sense. Slower and more powder...
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    22k hornet

    After looking some more online it looks like unique in that 4.0 gr range should get me what I am looking for. 1750 fps range. I found a small lee dipper that along with my scale and a bit of trickling in powder isnt to time consuming. Was hoping for a powder i could just throw out of my rcbs but...
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    22k hornet

    I have a new to me 22k hornet and the gun shoots well with h110 and 35 gr vmax. I have some lil gun on the way so think I have full powered loads covered. Looking for advice on some reduced loads so I can use my 22mag rated suppressor for some light plinking loads. My research so far says imr...
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    6.5 prc Berger 156 eol

    Retumbo was the fastest but the v560 was the most accurate powder and still 2940 fps I think.
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    Rem 700 sa DBM

    Thanks for the redhawk rifles recc. Looks like just what I need.
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    Rem 700 sa DBM

    My bad. I misstook the rocking of the action in the stock to be a receiver fit issue, Now I believe it fits flat in the receiver it was just the large amount of clearance in the barrel channel that was allowing it to rock more than I am used to. I do need a longer screw for at least the fore end...
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    Rem 700 sa DBM

    I have had some mild feeding issues as happens sometimes with the dbm system I hear. I purchased a second mag to see if it was better and tried to see if I could adjust the lips of the mags but dont want to screw them up and they dont adjust easily. I decided to go with an aics system. Bought a...
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    WTB .338 (250 Partitions)

    I might have some. Will go check over my lunch.
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    WTB 22k hornet dies

    Looking for both sizing and seating dies. Thanks
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    50% off Point6 socks codes

    14383 used. Thanks
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    WTS Reloading Equipment & Component Lot Sale

    Where are you located local pickup would be easiest for sure and way less $$$ to ship
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    Sold OR Down Mittens - XL -$25

    I will take them
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    Killer deal- $85 S90V ultralight hunting knife / Ridgebelts

    The riseandshed 15 code does work with the $85 price. Got me.
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    QAD Exodus -- What Happened?

    Yup what he said
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    QAD Exodus -- What Happened?

    My best guess is arrow deflected on the way or poor arrow flight so energy was not all in a line pushing broadhead through
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    Vortex Razor HD 16-48x65 Angled Spotting Scope

    used my wifes club card and it took the 23club109 code. Thanks for the heads up