Thanks for the offer but thats more than I was looking to spend. was going to build one to save on $. I don't reload enough volume to justify that nice of an annealer. Looking more for a used Burstfire, Annealeez, or home DIY build.
Planning to order parts to build one. Before I did, wanted to see if I can save some time or money and see if someone has one laying around not in use they want to part with.
loads were not compressed and under max charge, no signed of pressure in other loads that were fired.
Brass was once fired through the same rifle. Full length sizing die was used to bump shoulder back 2 thou.
I have not checked neck thickness. will check once hunts are done and im back in the...
All brass was trimmed to the same length. I don’t recall bullet seating being any stiffer than others.
I haven’t pulled the bullets yet but I’ll measure case length just incase
Reloaded some 3006 and when shooting a handful wouldn’t feed. Upon inspection those that failed to feed all had some degree of bulge in the side of the case. Reloaded some different headstamps during this session but only the barns brass had the issue. All brass was once fired through the same...
My guess is both. Rifle was leaned up against my work bench slid and hit the floor. Didn’t think anything of it and went to the range. Shot close to 40 rounds and noticed the stock flexing.
Broke the carbon fiber stock on my rifle. Manufacturer already sent me a replacement. But how you go about repairing this stock? Should I patch it or cut out the rear section and rebuild? Any recommendation on where to order materials and supplies?
If you're looking for a higher density foam look up foam tiles for garage gyms or kids play areas, anti-fatigue mats are a bit heavier, also stolen foam from memory foam pillows.
Get a cheap rifle and whatever glass you can afford(I hunt with a 200$ leupold). jb weld bed the action g2g
if you can swing it get a stainless rifle drives up the cost but I think its worth it. if not rattle can the rifle, cheap rifles bluing dont seem to last and rust