Why mess with a premium target bullet for game animals, when there are so many fantastic game bullets available?
That being said, I love the RDF out of my .308. They perform well and have run them to 1000 yards on steel.
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They aren't a guide business, they are now an air taxi service. We've used them twice in the past and they have been professional and very accommodating.
Their rates are dependent on where you are going, payload, and how many trips in and out.
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We flew with BRA in 2018 and 2022, both times we were cared for and no major issues. There will always be some small issues, it's just the logistics of that area of the world and the nature of remote adventure. Be patient.
2018 they were a big game transporter, 2022 they were an air taxi. There...
Cabelas 4 season tents are just fine, I am not familiar with Eureka tents as far as durability. I've been on the north side of the Brooks twice now, and my cabelas 4 man, xpg 4 season tent performed excellent. Rule of thumb, a tent rating, cut it in half for comfortable occupancy. I like a 4...
2 guiding principles:
1. Don't be afraid.
2. Don't be stupid.
Lots of irrational bear fear out there and some nutty advice as well. Keep a clean camp, use a bear fence, don't give them an opportunity. Bears are opportunistic and curious.
Our camp set up on the north slope this year caribou...
We were up there in 2018, we had one day the weather swung 50 degrees in 4 hours. Killed the snot out of the skeeters, but was quite the eye opener. Take some good puffy gear and good layers.
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Hey, we are heading out of Bettles mid August as well. We went with BRA in 2018, end if August and I'll share with you what I learned from then. Bring a pair of hip boots. Boots and gaiters will work, but there will be spots you'll want hip waders and if you get a soaker, it will take days to...
Good ankle fit hip wader is a must. Spent 10 days on the slope, and wore hip waders 80% of the time. I took a pair of Meidnl with gaiters, be sure to treat the leather generously before going.
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The local/subsistence hunters have the largest impact, and my understanding is they don't report. Non residents are restricted to 1 bull and a season that runs, what 2 months?
Villagers killing cows and calves, year round, with almost no restrictions, chasing them in boats, snow machines, etc...
Yeah I understand that, but thr impression moving forward from last year, was this regulation cycle it was going to be a done issue for awhile.
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Forgive me, what implications do you think this may have for next seasons regulations in 23 and 26A? I'm not entirely familiar with all the politics in that circle, just a general knowledge of the posturing of seasons past.
A group of us has a keen interest, as we are booked to fly into 26A in...
We went to the west side of Kodiak last year, despite the hard winter kill we decided to go for it regardless. It was a huge learning curve and first time to Kodiak, 2 of us had been to Alaska previously in 2018 on the North Slope chasing caribou. West side, specifically Zachar Bay is...