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  1. Kyle Meyer

    Oregon IP13 Ballot Initiative Hunting Ban among other things

    There’s no way the state of Oregon would outlaw meat and dairy production. We may be more liberal than some, but there’s a supermajority that likes cheese.
  2. Kyle Meyer

    Seek Outside Kenai or Unaweep

    Having had both, I really prefer having the separate load shelf along with a smaller packbag, at least for elk hunting. I’ve cached camp a bunch of times, either in the woods, or back at the trailhead, and then just carried meat in the loadshelf where it breathes better and is easier to...
  3. Kyle Meyer

    Iron Will Thanks You - Broadhead Drawing

    Just upgraded my bow and need to shoot a heavier broadhead—I'm in, thanks! Likewise, I'll probably be buying some as well.