Anybody get a fleeting glimpse of the mythical fire bull? Any wasatch front influencers peddling shirts with a decal
of a buck they shot one time? Any pull up contests? Every year I get less interested in being part of the “hunting community”.
The Kowa 664 will smoke the razor 65 and 85 optically. This is going to sound stupid but the Kowa is right there with the swaro sts optically the only exception being the swaro has a wider FOV. I have compared them side by side on the mountain. The biggest knock on the old Kowa 66 is the narrow...
No not the hd plus, just the regular hd. Those in this review..
They can be found pretty frequently on the used market $1000-$1200 and are outstanding glass.
Good thing you got an extender for your kowa! those deer are hard to judge! Congrats, that's usually my favorite hunt each year, picked up a tag my self. good luck!
Straight spotter if you hike to the top to hunt. Crooked spotter if you sit on the road at the bottom and look up.
I sold my 884, looking for an angled because it’s much easier to show my kids and wife without changing tripod height.
1.6x extender fits Kowa 88 and 77 spotters. Actually works pretty good, but I sold my Kowa to fund other things so this has to go. Great condition, no blemishes on glass.
$230 tyd PayPal or Venmo
I'm 35, pretty decent shape, not super overweight, pretty active, diet is pretty good, but always tired. Just did a sleep test this week and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Had 59 occurrences in a 6 hour period where I stopped breathing for at least 20 seconds. Longest was 51 seconds. 200...
I have a premium utah archery deer tag in my pocket and all I really care about right now is getting a november coues tag in a mid-tier unit that is usually pretty easy to draw. No hit so far and i'm really depressed about it.