There is a lot of info most people don't ever see. As an example, last year in WY there were ~27,200 full price NR Elk apps, and ~139,900 people who never applied for an elk hunt, only buying the point. Those 139K people are invisible, and don't show up on the odds reports. Having all that info...
2800 is way more than I need or want so I had user Pods8 make a custom bag. That may be the best option if he or anyone else is currently doing custom bags.
What would be the point of providing you any info?
"I drew 1st week of Rifle. Area 16, not sure if it's 16A or 16D. Tag code Elk 242.
Any one familiar with this area?
What airports are closest?
How is the terrain ?
Odds of harvesting anything ?
Not even sure if this tag is either sex, or Bull...
yes, you can apply when the 2026 Elk draw opens, as the license is valid till Feb 3, which is next years deadline
you buy a new one to hunt with but use the Deer deadline as the start date
as long as you continue to APPLY each year, per species, you will maintain the loyalty point on a...
1'st rule when buying Leupold is to keep the box.
Put it in a box, walk it into the ups store, and ship it. I shipped several scopes last year, maybe $25 to ship.
I use a 30 caliber expander ball that I turned down and use it like an expander mandrel and run through all of my case next as a first step in case any of them are bent, and it will push the next out to the same size as my fired brass neck so that everything Starts at the same position before I...
Yes, the die body should be touching the shell holder. That "cam over" will create a repeatable stroke distance. If the die produces too much shoulder bump with that cam over, use competition shell holders to get the desired bump. Those shell holders allow the case head to sit .001 deeper per...
I had a good conversation with Paul and I think the product will do everything I need and more. Table view will be very close to the old Toprut when it gets updated, but they're also adding some filters that Toprut didn't have.