Search results

  1. W

    WTS FL Pants - Corrugates and Trace - Tall sizes

    Tagging to see if the Corrugates are still available after the holidays.
  2. W

    WTS FL Corrugate Guide pants XL & XXL

    I’ll take the XL if they are the new style with the heat dump zippers on the side of each leg.
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    Saw recommendations

    I carry a replacement bucksaw blade only. I use it to construct meat poles if I have a multi day pack out. When I need it I make a bushcraft style bucksaw.
  4. W

    WTS PSE Bowmadness XL 50# 3D package

    Bump. Still for sale.
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    WTB Womens Bows

    contact me if this interests you:
  6. W

    Lost Rangefinder OR Desolation Archery

    He posted it on Ifish 👍
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    Sold Kifaru Game bags

    What does the set weigh? I looked on the website but didn’t see a weight listed.
  8. W

    WTS ****First Lite, Kifaru Sale

    I’ll take the pants for $80 👍
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    Archery Setups to Minimize Frontal Shots

    200gr Helix broadheads 👍
  10. W

    Lost Rangefinder OR Desolation Archery

    Shot in the dark here. My hunting partner got a ride walking along the road in the Desolation Unit from someone in a grey Tacoma. He believes his Vortex LRF fell out of his gear in the truck. If by chance you are the guy and found it would you please contact me. Thanks
  11. W

    Souped up Air Guns For Small Game. Show Me.

    Better photos from today