Search results

  1. S.Clancy

    .264 bullets in a .277 box?

    I was reloading some 145 ELDX for my 270 Win tonight, brand new box of 100, and I got two .264 bullets in it. After weighing, they must be .264 140gr ELDMs. Anybody else have this happen? 2 seems pretty odd
  2. S.Clancy

    WTT CCI 250 for CCI 200

    Have 766 CCI 250 primers (same lot) I'd like to trade for an equal amount CCI 200. I'd like to keep these face to face. I'm in Helena, MT and travel a decent amount to Missoula/Dillon/Billings. I will be also driving to Phoenix in 2 weeks, so anywhere on the way is fair game too. Thanks...
  3. S.Clancy

    WTS/WTT .277 Barnes TTSX 130gr 100ct

    2 boxes (opened, unused) of 50 Barnes TTSX in .277, 130gr. Trade for .264 ELDM 130's or similar. Thanks. 40$ per box shipped if no trade.
  4. S.Clancy

    WTS/WTT SG Small Waist Belt

    As above, SG Small Waistbelt. See photos for color. 50$ or trade for other hunting gear. Let me know what you got. Thanks
  5. S.Clancy

    WTB Stone Glacier MD Belt

    Anyone out there have a Medium Waist belt hanging around? Could buy outright or trade a Small. Let me know, thanks
  6. S.Clancy

    Interesting video

    I'm sure this is going to turn into a dumpster fire, but I was pursuing YouTube while hiding in the shade archery deer hunting and came across this video. Interesting to say the least.
  7. S.Clancy

    CWD: Interesting article from WY
  8. S.Clancy

    GoHunt Mule Deer Podcast

    I've been reading mule deer research for a long time. This is the best condensed mule deer information you can ever hope to find, it was excellent.
  9. S.Clancy

    GoHunt Podcast with HOWL & CRWM

    Anybody listen? Hearing these guys talk convinced me to give them some $$$. Which, to me, was the most interesting part of this podcast. They mentioned they are fighting against these movements (anti's) that have millions and millions at their disposal for lawyers. On the flip side, the...
  10. S.Clancy

    WTT Scarpa Ribelle HD

    Scarpa Ribelle HD, sz 44. Used but in good condition. Will come with aftermarket insoles, the original ones are trash. Looking for Scarpa Terra GTX, Scarpa Zodiac Plus (both size 44), a lightweight tarp or Ultralight Borah Bivy (long/wide).
  11. S.Clancy

    AZ Pt question

    So, how are bonus pts and the loyalty points added in for the draw year? For example, a guy has 6 pts after last yr's draw, will apply this year and gets his loyalty pt this year. Is the point number 6 pts (last year's number), 7 pts (last yr's + the current yr's bonus point) or 8 pts (last...
  12. S.Clancy

    WTB Scarpa Kinesis Pro GTX

    Wondering if anyone has a pair of these lying around in size 43.5 or 44? I have a pair of Ribelle HDs in 44 if someone is interested in a trade or I can buy outright. Thanks
  13. S.Clancy

    Sold EXO K1 Frame with Crib

    EXO K1 Frame (small belt) with Crib. Coyote color. New shoulder straps and waist belt. Frame cover was repaired (professionally) on right side from antler rub of several big bulls, see pics. $120 TYD for both. Would also trade for Borah Bivy, Argali Owhyee (+ $$ from me) or Nikon ED50...
  14. S.Clancy

    Sold Cabela's Single Pin Archery Sight

    Cabela's Single Pin sight, will take a lense. Very light use. $45 TYD
  15. S.Clancy

    WTS Elite Impulse #8 Mods

    Elite Impulse #8 mods (27.5" draw) $30 TYD
  16. S.Clancy

    Sold EXO 2000, Antelope Decoys, Elite Bow Mods, Single Pin sight

    For Sale: 1) EXO K1 Frame and 2000 bag + hip pocket. Waist Belt (sz small) and shoulder straps are updated and new. The frame is 25". $240 TYD, deal for local 2) Two Montana Antelope Decoys, buck and doe. Buck is faded, doe virtually unused. One set of poles. These go as a pair. 40$ TYD...
  17. S.Clancy

    Which vehicle to keep...?

    Ok, so here is the deal. We have 3 vehicles; 2009 Honda Fit (best hunting vehicle ever) 2012 Toyota Tundra 5.7, 193,000 miles 1997 F-350 with the 7.3L Diesel, 225,000 miles Both vehicles are in good operating condition, obviously the Toyota has more bells and whistles since it is 15 yrs...
  18. S.Clancy

    WTS Easton Axis 300 Arrows

    8 Easton Axis 300 spine arrows, 75gr HIT inserts. 28" carbon to carbon, 28.25" to the nock throat. Easton nocks. 4 fletch, Max Stealth. Arrows weigh ~420 grains without a point. All shot into carpet targets at the range. 60$ TYD
  19. S.Clancy

    FWP Audit I only know a couple wardens, but know more biologists. Pretty much the same or worse feedback. Really shouldn't be surprising given the man at the helm of the State.
  20. S.Clancy

    WTS EXO K2 5500 Bag and Lid

    EXO K2 5500 bag and lid, Coyote. Haven't used in a number of yrs, I do everything with the 2000 bag. I ran trekking poles in the stretchy water bottle holders alongside the pack, see the photo at end. 140$ TYD