Search results

  1. Ringbill27

    Turkey choke constriction question.

    Morning all, Now the gun/choke really isn’t important to my question. But I have two turkey shotguns. 1). Citadel Warthog 20” 12ga w/ beretta Mobil chokes 2). Silver Eagle Alpha 2 18” 12ga w/ benelli chokes I took them out and patterned both 0.665 chokes and a variety of ammo the other day and...
  2. Ringbill27

    Turkey hunting. Which state?

    Good morning all, I live in northern Minnesota and have recently gotten into turkey hunting and finally seem to be figuring it out. MN is limited to one bird a season. I’d like to travel to a different state and attempt to hunt there. Since I’d be driving I’d like to stay with in the...
  3. Ringbill27

    Did your Christensen Arms group?

    I’m curious. Did your Christensen Arms group out of the box? I’ve seen some bad publicity about them being over priced junk but i kind of wanted to see the numbers. You pulled the rifle out of the box, slapped a scope on and torqued everything down. Did/does it group?
  4. Ringbill27

    Monos and the 243.

    Good morning all, Has anyone in here used both the barnes 85tsx and the 80ttsx with a 243 or similar 6mm cartridge on game? Was there a big difference is performance between two. My shoots are less than 100yds so no real need for long range.
  5. Ringbill27

    350 legend AR

    Anyone in here hunt will a AR? I built one in 350Legend a few year back and had a bunch of issues with feeding. But I got that figured out for the most part. Now the real question. What trigger are you running for hunting? One or two stage? Currently have a cheap mil spec that I actually...
  6. Ringbill27

    Your first deer rifle?

    What was your very first deer rifle? Mine was a mossberg 500 410ga with a smooth bore barrel and iron sights. It’s a great grouse gun but not a deer killer. 2 minute of deer isn’t really good for me. My very first rifle was handed down to me from my grandfather, which was a Win 94 in 30WCF...
  7. Ringbill27

    What’s the feed?

    Morning all, Hunting in northeastern MN public land and the land consists of aspen regeneration, pine stands, clear cuts and swamps (cattail, spruce/tamarack, or Alder/willow). Mostly thick cover. There is no AG or acorns. I’m struggling to figure out what they are eating and use that to...
  8. Ringbill27

    New land where to start?

    Lets say I found a 200 acre parcel I’ve never hunted before. Where would you start tackling how to hunt it? It’s a mix of mature hardwoods(oaks and maple), swamps and aspen regeneration. Edited: November Rifle season and December Muzzleloader season in Central to Northeastern Minnesota.
  9. Ringbill27

    Favorite deerstand?

    What’s you favorite type and brand of deer stand for woods? I hunt central and northeastern MN and that’s primarily how you hunt. I typically use ladder stands.
  10. Ringbill27

    What’s your go to?

    With the 2024 rifle deer season around the corner and I’m unusually excited for it this year. I’m curious what your rifle/cartridge combo of choice for hitting the woods? Mine is a Ruger American Ranch in 7.62x39. Shooting a 123gr Barnes TSX at 2500fps. It’s the one rifle that I know is...
  11. Ringbill27

    Canada Gun Laws?

    So my father-in-law was invited on an Ontario moose hunt and well he is one rifle kinda guy and that rifle is a Lee Enfield in 303 Brit which has a 10rd mag. It’s been his deer rifle for 40+ years and he is very proficient with it. He really wants to take it. I’m struggling to find an answer...
  12. Ringbill27

    Fast twist Tikka?

    Good morning all, Tikka is now offering faster twists is many of their rifles. How do you know if the rifle you are about to buy is one of those fast twists? Tikka/sako seems to not want people contacting them and beretta as normal is a joke.
  13. Ringbill27

    243win Tikka. What to do?

    Good morning all, I’m going to pick up a brand new youth model tikka in 243win for $500. But I don’t know what to do with it. I could keep it and slap a new stock on it and use it for deer and coyote. Also was left with 20+ boxes of bullets from my grandpa when he passed he loaded for his...
  14. Ringbill27

    Mag primers?

    Good morning all, So I’ve been working on a load for my 30-06 T3x w/ the Barnes 130TTSX and I’ve worked my way up to max using varget (56.5gr). I found that even at max I’m getting 200fps slower then book speed and speeds others are getting. So varget is out. I'm switching to Big Game. With...
  15. Ringbill27

    Silencer Cental wait times?

    Good morning All, Out of curiosity, id like so see what everyone who has used Silencer Central have seen for wait times after ATF approvals to receiving the suppressor? As of today, I’m at 15 days since approval and the second CLEO letter has not been sent yet. The first letter was lost by the...
  16. Ringbill27

    Energetic Arms Vox S

    I’m curious about my next suppressor with that said… Energetic Arms Vox S Who’s got one? How do you like it? Is the POI of the wipe vs no wipe consistent? Tell me what you know about it first hand.
  17. Ringbill27

    Suppressor question?

    I currently have a Banish 30 in jail. This being my first suppressor. Well I’ve waiting I’ve be trying to figure out the logistics of my deer season. Deer camp (in-laws house) is 2.5hrs from home and I’ve always left rifle there during the season. Talking about this with my father in-law. A...
  18. Ringbill27

    Mono metal discussion

    I’ve been making the switch to mono metals (personal decision not being forced) for my hunting rigs and have been loading all Barnes. I’ve noticed that a lot of people recommend Hammer Bullets over Barnes or the Hornady CX. Are Hammers really worth the extra cost? Is the performance really...