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  1. K

    Rock Climbing Harness with Climber

    So I'm in the market for a new climbing harness to use with my climber. I have read a lot of people saying the like to use rock climbing harnesses but I'm wanting some specifics on your system. I know there are other posts out there but most of the comments are by people who saddle hunt. I'm not...
  2. K

    Nose to string different than Kisser Button?

    So in order for me to get my nose to the string of my short ata bow I have to tilt my head a ton and its just not practical for me to repeat that much movement consistently every shot so I've switched to using a kisser. Going and reading through older posts involving kisser buttons it sounds...
  3. K

    Thumb Release Anchor help

    I recently switched to a thumb release and at times have really good groups but the groups are inconsistent from day to day. I've been really trying to focus on how I'm anchoring my release and I'm finding it difficult to have a super consistent anchor. My knuckles are behind my jaw under my...
  4. K

    Arizona Archery Mule Deer

    I've got an otc archery mule deer tag in Arizona this year and will be planning on hunting the week it opens back up in December. I’ve solo hunted free range audad in west Texas and fell in love with that type of hunting (I live in Georgia). I wanted to see if I could gather some information as...
  5. K

    Shipping to a bow shop

    I'm curious y'alls opinion on shipping a bow to a pro shop to have it tuned up. The bow shop in my local area isn't all that great and I'm relatively new to bow hunting so don't really have the knowledge or skill. I have a feeling I may be better off sending my bow to a good shop rather then...
  6. K

    Spot Hog Fast Eddie elevation

    I’m using the doublepin fast Eddie. Is there a method for adjusting elevation without having to re-tape the sight? I’m about an inch low at 20 yards. The windage is easy enough to adjust but I can’t find much info for minor elevation adjustments.
  7. K

    Previous Year Units

    I'm headed out to Arizona next December for an OTC archery mule deer hunt. Is there any way to see what units where draw only, dates that units were open, etc? Starting to plan the trip and I don't think the unit information for next year is released for another month or so. Thanks