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    WTB Mathews SWX D 60# Mods

    Looking for Mathews Switch weight X mods. D- 60# 80% or 85% is fine.
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    5 pin scope that will bolt onto Boonie sight??

    I have a Spot Hogg Boonie. I love the sight. I currently have a triple stack housing on it, which is just okay. In fact I love it for 3D etc, but for elk hunting I really like a 5 pin. Unfortunately I don’t like Spot Hogg’s 5 pin scopes. I prefer truly parallel pins. Does anyone make just the...
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    Arrow build insert/broadhead question

    My typical arrow build for the last couple years is RIP TKO, 75 gr insert, 100 grain broadhead. Is there any difference at all to switching it up to a 50 gr insert, 125 grain broadhead? I’m currently shooting 470 total grains, 14ish% FOC, 30” DL. I know total weight ends up being the same, and...
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    Kuiu Discount Code

    I know I just missed the founder’s sale. Does anyone have a kuiu discount code they’d be willing to part with?
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    FNG from OR

    I’ve been a member lurking for a couple years now. I guess it’s time to actually start engaging. Lifetime Western hunter who’s been getting humiliated by deer and elk since I started hunting in ‘93.
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    Sight Recommendations for Lift 33

    I’m looking for sight recommendations for my lift 33. Currently have CBE Micro Tactic, but looking for something to utilize the bridge lock. I’m not 100% set on a slider, but I’m open to it. I just want something that’s durable, has micro adjustments, and the pins stay where they’re zeroed. I...
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    Arrow Setup Thoughts

    I'm shooting 62 lb DW, 30" DL. Thoughts on tip weight for RIP TKO, 8.8 GPI with a 75 grain insert. 364 grains without a point on it. 100 gr broadhead puts me at 464 total grains, 13.56% FOC, @ 272 fps. 125 gr point puts me at 489 total grains, 15.59% FOC, @ 264 fps. Strictly looking at elk. I...