Search results

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    Best budget 0f bag??

    What is a good 0f rated bag that doesn't cost a fortune?
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    Budget range finding binos?

    Best RF binoculars for the money?? Sub $800 if possible. Let me know what you think!
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    .300 BO issue..

    Reloading .300bo subs using 220 CC. Cases are fine with a genorous chamfer. After loading some are slightly out of spec not seating in gauge. Tried different seating dies same issue. Case is LC once fired converted. Thoughts??
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    Derraco Engineering Trimmers

    Seen these on Amazonian. Anyone using/tried them? Derraco Engineering Ugly SRT Shoulder Referenced Brass Case Trimmer
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    Best Grendel bullet??

    What's up all! I recently built a 16" supressed grendel for daughter to hunt with. I'm looking for a bullet (reloading) to maximize her range. Whitetail and Mules central Nebraska.